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Planning Approval in Exton

TFQ are delighted to have received planning approval for this stunning house we have been working on in Exton. We have been working closely with our client to develop a design that is perfect for them, featuring a combination of traditional glazing bars and more contemporary gables, as well as that breath taking outdoor space, including dedicated swimming pool, changing room and sauna!

An earlier idea for the project was to maintain some of the existing structure of the building. However, after consideration, we decided that demolition and rebuild would be the most suitable option to maximise the potential of the project. As well as being freed from the constraints posed by the existing structure, a further potential benefit of building a new property is a reduced cost, via a lower level of VAT. It may be something you may want to consider when considering a larger scale renovation, in comparison to building a replacement dwelling!

The project has been designed to be built using an offsite ‘Structural Insulated Panel’ (SIPs) system. This high-performance method of construction reduces the build programme for the project massively, and helps reduce labour costs on site, but it has also changed how we prepare the drawings, and how clients make decisions. Following the planning approval, we are currently working with a SIPs company to prepare the technical drawings.

Our clients are delighted with the approval, and we cannot wait to develop the scheme further in preparation for construction. Watch this space for more updates on this project on site!

Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss your project.

Read more information on the benefits of SIPs construction by following the link below:



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